Saturday, November 3, 2012
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Myers Alumni Center Parking Lot
2906 Woodside Drive
Cincinnati OH 45221
Myers Alumni Center Parking Lot
2906 Woodside Drive
Cincinnati OH 45221
PLEASE RSVP by THURSDAY if you plan to join us (and how many people you are bringing) SO WE KNOW HOW MUCH FOOD TO BUY. We will also bring a keg, so let us know in your RSVP if you will partake.
We'll be making breakfast fare. Please let us know if you plan to bring something. If you don't want to lug any food or drink to the lot, no problem. We have plenty of tortilla chips left over from last week.
These are simply guidelines; more or nothing are both accepted with the same smile.
We recommend:
$5 per person for beer or food
$10 per person for food and beer