Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hoard on the Practice Facilities

Read the article and please get involved. Some of the highlights include:

In case you missed it, Brian Kelly did an interview with Tom Dienhart of last week where he stressed the need to improve the football practice facilities at UC.
I'm guessing that you didn't miss it.
But just in case, here are a couple of noteworthy passages:
Dienhart: What's the key to the program taking that next step?
BK: "Facilities. It's the absolute most critical element that this university has to continue to take a hard look at. We aren't where we need to be. But we put an exciting product on the field. We have won a lot of football games. Now, it's up to the university to step up and get these things done."
Dienhart: Is it true that you really have no practice fields?
BK: Yes, we have no practice fields. We practice at the stadium. There is no ability to go out and practice a spread, no-huddle offense. We don't get 120 yards to do that. We have to do it on 50 yards because the defense is on the other half of the field. It is hard to do, and I give our kids a lot of credit for being able to overcome it and continue to win. And, of course, we have no indoor facility. In fact, to prepare for the Orange Bowl, we had to practice in an indoor soccer facility. It obviously wasn't a very good way to prepare our football team.
The interview has ignited another wave of panic that the two-time BIG EAST Conference Coach of the Year will leave Cincinnati the next time a school with deeper pockets comes calling.


I'm not on the UCATS payroll, and I'm extremely uncomfortable asking you to give money, but here's the bottom line: Is the phenomenal rise of the UC football program worth supporting? Perhaps you're in a position to give a major gift. Maybe you can afford $20 a week, or a dollar a day. That's a decision that only you can make.
It's a very specific contribution that would go directly toward construction, so you could literally point toward the practice bubble in the future and say, "I helped to build that."
That's what I plan to do.

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