Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Baseball Closes Out Regular Season at Home vs. Georgetown

The last home series of the UC baseball season is this weekend. Check out here for details.

Even Mo gets in on the action.

UC v. Georgetown. Friday. 6:30. I'm going. So should you.

Let's review some of the common gripes we hear about going to a Major League game....

"I want to see some hustle, see guys play for the love of the game."
Check out a college game. These guys play. How much do these gusy love the game? They serve as their own grounds crew.

"Tickets are too expensive."
Tickets Friday are going to be a dollar. One dollar. Adults and kids. Mention you heard about this on ESPN1530 and you get in for a buck.

I can't take my kids. The games start too late and it's not family friendly. And their too long.
Marge Schott Satdium is exceptionally family friendly. Your kids can get close to the action. The game will begin at 6:30. And they move much more briskly than a Major League game. Sunday's UC win over Pitt took less than two hours. Most of their games have lasted less than 2:30. Just two have gone longer than three hours. And with the price, if you have to leave early, you won't feel like you're out anything. College baseball is ideal for introducing young kids who might not be ready for the Majors to the sport.

"Concessions are too pricey."
While Marge Schott Stadium doesn't have the selection offered up at a Major League Game (non funnel fries), they do have them, and the prices pale in comparison to what you pay in the Big Leagues. And yes, they serve beer. Not at $7.50 a hit either.

"There's no attachment to the city from these guys."
UC has 13 players from the Greater Cincinnati area.

So what else do you need? It'll be a fun way to kick off a Friday night, and it's Armed Forces Appreciation Night. The Bearcats are playing for a bid in the Big East Tournament. Join us for a beer and a ballgame.

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